
Office 365: hybrid-mode, ADFS, Single Sign On, DirSync

How to recover deleted mailbox items in Office 365

Occasionally, Office 365 users will delete important mailbox items accidentally. Fortunately, in most cases such items can be recovered for a short period of time after their deletion. In this article we will discuss what happens when mailbox items are deleted and the circumstances required to successfully recover them. What happens when mailbox items are deleted? When Office 365 end users soft-delete (Ctrl+D) an item from their mailbox, it goes to the Deleted Items folder from which it can Read more [...]

manually run AD Directory Sync (DirSync) with Office 365

Issue:  You need to manually force DirSync to run in order to Sync your on-premise AD with Office 365's Azure AD. Note: This article was written for environments using Azure Active Directory Sync "DirSync".  If you are Azure AD Connect, here are the steps to manually sync using Azure AD Connect. Solution: Run a sync using powershell 1) Run PowerShell as Administrator 2) type: cd\ 3) type: cd “program files\Windows Azure Active Directory Sync” 4) type: Start-OnlineCoexistenceSync Read more [...]

distribution group can’t receive email from outside the organization

Issue:  Distribution group not getting outside emails.  Senders receive bounce messages: Your message can't be delivered because delivery to this address is restricted. Generating server: Remote Server returned '550 5.7.1 RESOLVER.RST.AuthRequired; authentication required' Solution: By default, distribution groups in Office 365 (and Exchange) will only receive email from internal senders. In order to allow the distribution group to receive mail Read more [...]

create a Distribution Group in Office 365

If you need multiple people to receive the email sent to a single address, a Distribution Group is the proper choice.  This easy to follow guide will walk through the process to create a Distribution Group in Office 365. 0) confirm the email address you plan on using for the Distribution Group is not already applied to an acct in AD. 1) logon to 2) Click the ‘Admin’ drop down and select ‘Exchange’ Click Recipients > groups > click the ‘+’ button 3) Read more [...]

Create email aliases in Office 365 DirSync/AADConnect environment

Issue: You have an AD Synchronized (DirSync or Azure AD Connect) Office 365 environment and need to add additional email aliases to an Office 365 Mailbox.  This could be in a situation where you have a generic address you’d like delivered to someone,, or in the event an employee doesn’t use email and all their mail should be delivered to their assistants mailbox. Application: This article applies to DirSync, Azure AD Connect or ADFS federated environments that are not Read more [...]