Exchange 2010 Rollup taking forever: “Setup Wizard is generating native images for .NET assemblies”

Have you noticed the .NET assemblies portion of an Exchange Rollup installation takes a very long time?  This is due to a check against the certificate revocation list for each .NET assembly that is compiled.  This wait time is even more extreme in the case of servers without internet access as each revocation list check must time out before it moves on to the next.
Setup Wizard prepares your server for installation. Setup Wizard is generating native images for .NET assemblies.

I discovered a fix which helps significantly:  Temporarily, turning off the certificate revocation list check before running the rollup.

Go into Control Panel > Internet Options > Advanced Tab:
Uncheck “Check for publisher’s certificate revocation” and “Check for server certificate revocation*”
Internet Explorer Advanced Tab Security Settings: Check for publishers / server certificate revocation

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