The following is a common issue when moving mailboxes (New-MoveRequest) from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007/2010. This issue is caused by the end users AD account / mailbox missing certain permissions which allow the administrator account and system to modify and move the mailbox. This issue is scarcely documented, but can be easily corrected by forcing the AD account to inherit permissions. Many migration issues are caused by permissions issues resulting from the ‘inherit permissions’ checkbox not being checked, thus I have aptly named it “The Checkbox of Doom.”
New Move Mailbox Request Fails:

“Insufficient access rights to perform the operation” error is received when trying to move mailbox.
Elapsed time: 00:00:08 Bill Smith Failed Error: Active Directory operation failed on This error is not retriable. Additional information: Insufficient access rights to perform the operation. Active directory response: 00002098: SecErr: DSID-03150A48, problem 4003 (INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS), data 0
The user has insufficient access rights. Click here for help… When an item can’t be read from the source database or it can’t be written to the destination database, it will be considered corrupted. By specifying a non-zero BadItemLimit, you are requesting that Exchange not copy such items to the destination mailbox. At move completion, these corrupted items won’t be available in the destination mailbox.
Exchange Management Shell command attempted: ‘ Smith’ | New-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase ‘Mailbox Database 1442648017’ -BadItemLimit ‘5’
Solution: Make sure The Checkbox of Doom is checked!