Error in DCDIAG: “The replication operation failed to allocate memory”

result 8446 (0x20fe): The replication operation failed to allocate memory

result 8446 (0x20fe): The replication operation failed to allocate memory

Issue: While running DCDIAG you receive the following error: “The replication operation failed to allocate memory”.

Resolution: I checked the page file settings as well as reviewed Task Manager to confirm the server was not out of memory.  I decided to reboot the server to see if the memory issue would go away and in my case the issue was resolved.  This particular domain controller was Virtualized with VMWare so I granted it a small memory reservation (256 MB) in VMWare.

Additional Circumstances:  I’m still investigating this issue, in this case I saw that AD replication had stopped, numerous Time Sync issues were found as well as serious DNS errors to the affect that DNS Server could not find a DNS.  I’m not sure what issue precipitated the others, my guess is the memory issue lead to the cease of AD replication and DNS issue and the Time Sync issue was a separate issue.

3 thoughts on “Error in DCDIAG: “The replication operation failed to allocate memory”

  1. jasdeep

    Yeah one more issue.
    Can you please let me know the steps to check that why some users experience delay in log in to their PC?

    I am checking and could not find anything worth of.
    We are using folder redirection and every site has local 2 DCs.
    No PSTs locally stored.

    Thank you.

    Yes on thing i would like to add is if the user affected ask someone else “B” to log in to his machine and after logging off “B” he tries, it works fine for him as well.

    1. AD tech Guy

      Hi, You can do the checks in the client machine if the slow logon is occurring…
      1. check if client machine network subnet is configured to the same site as the local DC in the AD sites and services or not ..
      2. can you check from the SET L command from CMD is the client machines are getting authenticated through Local site Domain Controller ??


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