Personal IT Security Guide

Much focus is placed on the IT security of business.  However, this guide focuses on your personal IT security which can impact all areas of life including your businesses.  This guide is by no means exhaustive, however it does focus on key areas I feel are most important to cover in the initial securing of your digital life.

Services to secure with Two Factor Authentication:

  • Email
  • iCloud
  • Google
  • Banking and investments
  • Financial Sites (incl Paypal, Venmo, etc)
  • Yahoo Account / Yahoo Mail (if you use that garbage)
  • DropBox
  • Password managers
  • Cell Phone Provider Account

Why? The above sites are the critical foundation of your technology, compromise of these accounts can bring your whole digital house down.  I recommend you employ two-factor authentication on any online property that you use, most offer it at this point.  You can use the Google Authenticator app or receive a text message as your second factor.

Improving offline security of bank accounts:

  • Call bank and say you want a passphrase and security questions when someone calls to access your account.  There is general an additional optional layer your bank can employe when asked, varies from bank to bank

Limit web browser data compromise and improve browser security:

Improve security on your devices:

  • iPhone:
    6 digit pin, even though you use thumbprint to unlock the 6 digit pin makes phone exponentially harder to decrypt
  • MacBook:
    Enable Mac’s built in disk encryption

Reduce ability for cell number to be transferred out:

  • Many cell carriers offer protections to limit bad actors ability to transfer your cell number out of your account.  For example, here are the steps for Verizon.

Improve security of your favorite shopping Web Sites:

  • Setup two-factor auth on your amazon account (this will cover your AWS accounts under your amazon account as well)

Secure your Domain Registration Accounts

  • Setup two-factor auth on your GoDaddy and other domain related accounts.

For the more tech inclined:

  • Disable CoreDumps and Ptrace on MacOS
  • Make sure your keepass databases are at version 4.0 in database settings

Password managers:

  • Install your password manager on all your devices and login to it, complete any suggested integrations such as integrating 1Password with iOS browsers

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