Issue: You need to export the SSL Certificate and Private Key from your Windows Server (IIS). Note: these instructions are valid for Windows Server 2003, 2008 R2 and 2012 (IIS 6, IIS 7.5, IIS 8).
Solution: You will export the certificate and private key using the MMC console
1. Click start > run
2. Type MMC and click OK
3. Click on File > Add/Remove Snap-in…
4. Select Certificates and click Add
5. Select Computer Account, click Next
6. Leave Local Computer selected, click Finish
7. Click Ok / Close
8. You will be back at the MMC console and it will show the Certificates Snap-In
9. Expand Certificates, expand Personal, click Certificates
10. Right click your certificate > All Tasks > Export
11. Certificate Export Wizard will appear, click Next
12. Select “Yes, export the private key” > Next
13. Select “Personal Information Exchange – PKCS #12 (.PFX)”
14. Leave the checkboxes below unchecked.
Note: If you select “include all certificates…” then it will export the intermediate certificates as well, the problem is when you import them it will import the intermediate certificates into the personal store and not the intermediate store. So it’s best to manually import your intermediate certs following the steps from your cert provider.
15. Make up a password to secure the exported .pfx certificate file
16. Pick a location to save the exported .pfx certificate file > Save > Finish
Next: follow these instructions to import the .pfx SSL certificate into the target Windows Server.
Thank you! This was very helpful when we were changing out our RDC SSL certificate on our Windows 2012 server!