MS Exchange

Exchange Server

Create new Receive connector copying IP list from existing connector

You may be building a new Exchange server and you'd like to copy a receive connector from an Existing Exchange server.  This is common when you want to create a new Anonymous Relay Connector and keep the long allowed IP address list from an existing connector so you don't have to type all the IP addresses in again.  Note: if you already created the new Receive Connector, here are steps to copy the IP list from an existing receive connector to your new receive connector. Create new receive connector Read more [...]

How to copy receive connector IP list from one connector to another

Issue: You'd like to copy the allowed IP address list from one Receive Connector to another.  I've found myself in this situation when I was creating identical receiving connectors on multiple Exchange servers or wanting to copy the long allowed IP list from a legacy Exchange  server to a new Exchange 2013 server. Solution: Using the following powershell commands you can copy the IP addresses from one receive connector to another set-ReceiveConnector “MAILSVR2\anonymous relay connector MAILSVR2” Read more [...]

Exchange 2013 CU setup can’t continue because process has open files

Issue: You receive the following error when attempting to install an Exchange 2013 Cumulative Update (CU): Error: Setup can't continue with the upgrade because the bbwinsdr (1200), mmc (15404), mmc (15848) has open files. Close the process, and then restart Setup. For more information, visit: Resolution: In order to resolve this error, close all open windows, stop any services related Read more [...]

“administrator has limited the number of items you can open simultaneously”

Issue: End users receive an Outlook popup stating "administrator has limited the number of items you can open simultaneously".  In my case users received the error when trying to move or delete a large amount of contacts in a public folder on Exchange 2010 after upgrading from SP3 to SP3 Rollup 10. Full error message: "Your server administrator has limited the number of items you can open simultaneously.  Try closing messages you have opened or removing attachments and images from unsent Read more [...]

Exchange 2013 CU11

Exchange 2013 CU11 was released on 12/10/2015.  CU11 does not contain any schema updates but may contain new RBAC definitions. Update: The current version of Exchange 2013 is CU12, released in May 2016.  For more information see this link. Remember, you can install Exchange 2013 from the CU Rollup itself, saving time (CU12 rollup links above). Noteworthy issues resolved in CU11: After applying CU8 you may experience a large IOPS write increase for FolderUpdateGroup on your Read more [...]