Create new Receive connector copying IP list from existing connector

You may be building a new Exchange server and you’d like to copy a receive connector from an Existing Exchange server.  This is common when you want to create a new Anonymous Relay Connector and keep the long allowed IP address list from an existing connector so you don’t have to type all the IP addresses in again.  Note: if you already created the new Receive Connector, here are steps to copy the IP list from an existing receive connector to your new receive connector.

Create new receive connector on Exchange 2010 by copying existing connector:
Use the following EMS command to create a new Receive Connector copying the IP list from an existing Exchange receive Connector:
New-ReceiveConnector “EX2010 Relay Connector” -Server EX2010 -Bindings -RemoteIPRanges ( Get-ReceiveConnector “EX2007\EX2007 relay connector” ).RemoteIPRanges

Create new receive connector on Exchange 2013 by copying existing connector:
Here are steps to create a new Receive Connector on Exchange 2013 copying the IP list from a legacy Exchange Server.

Anonymous relay: If you need your new connector to allow anonymous relaying of SMTP email outside the domain then you will need to set permissions on the new receive connector to allow anonymous relay outside the network/domain.

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