Reseed ‘Failed and Suspended’ DAG Database

Issue: One of your DAG databases is in a ‘Failed and Suspended’ state.
Discovery: You may find this error via Exchange Management Console > Organization Management > Mailbox > Database Management > [select the database] > Database Copies

Or you may see the following error in the event log on one of your Exchange Servers:

MSExchangeRepl Event ID: 4113
Database redundancy health check failed. Database copy: DB1 Redundancy count: 1
Error: Passive copy ‘DB1\EXCH02’ is not in a good state. Status: FailedAndSuspended.

The local copy of database ‘DB1\EXCH02′ did not recover from a log corruption after 3 at tempts to fix the problem. ErrorEventId : 4124 ExtendedErrorInfo : SuspendComment : The database copy was automatically suspended due to failure item processing. At ’12/12/ 2013 8:40:59 AM’ the copy of ‘DB1’ on this server experienced an error that requires it be reseeded.

You can check the DB health status via Exchange Management Shell using the command “get-mailboxdatabasecopystatus *”
Failed Suspended DAG database

Take note of the server name and database name that is in the failed state and confirm you still have a healthy or Mounted copy of the database.

Solution: Reseed the FailedAndSuspended database in the Database Availability Group, by running the following command in the Exchange Management Shell:

Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity “FAILEDDBNAME\EXCH02” -DeleteExistingFiles

Note: This is a destructive process, make sure you are running it against the failed copy and not the healthy or mounted copy.

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