MS Exchange

Exchange Server

Error code 2771 installing Exchange 2010 Rollup

Issue: You receive a popup with "error code is 2771" while installing SP3 Rollup 15 on Exchange 2010.  The '2771' issue can occur with both Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010 Rollups. Cause: Generally this issue is caused by the Rollup installation searching and failing to find the previous rollups install media. Determination: In order to determine the specific issue or missing file preventing your installation from succeeding you need to run the rollup installer from the command prompt and Read more [...]

Create new mailbox database

Issue: you need to create a new mailbox database on Exchange 2007/2010/2013/2016 and above Solution: Use the New-MailboxDatabase command from Exchange Management Shell to create new mailbox databases.  For example: New-MailboxDatabase -Server <Your Mailbox Server Name> -Name "Mailbox Database 01" -EdbFilePath "M:\ExchangeDB\Mailbox Database 01\Mailbox Database 01.edb" -logFolderPath "L:\ExchangeDB\Mailbox Database 01" Note: you'll need to edit the mailbox database name and path in the Read more [...]

Exchange 2016 CU3

The newest release of Exchange 2016 is CU3 released on Sept 14th 2016.  Here is a link to download CU3 the newest version of Exchange 2016. Exchange 2016 CU3 does contain AD Schema updates, so please factor this into your upgrade strategy Exchange 2016 on Windows Server 2016 must use .NET framework 4.6.2. Exchange 2016 on Windows 2012/2012 R2 must continue using .NET framework 4.6.1 until support for a newer .NET framework has been announced. WARNING: At this time Microsoft is recommending Read more [...]

Exchange 2013 CU14

We recommend you skip Exchange 2013 CU14 and instead install either CU12 or the new CU15.  Reason being, Exchange 2013 CU13 and CU14 introduced a significant public folder indexing issue and once the issue occurs, the recommended resolution is to upgrade to CU15 and then move the public folders to a new mailbox database.  In order to avoid this dilemma we recommend you not installed CU13 or CU14.  At this time, Exchange 2013 CU15 is the latest version of Exchange 2013. Read more [...]